b"Greetings from WT Cox!We are proud to present the 2022 edition of the WT Cox Information Service's Periodicals Catalog for Schools K-12, Public Libraries and Community Colleges. Herein, you will find a listing of some of our most frequently ordered publications along with general company information. In addition to these listed titles, we have an extensive database of print and digital periodical titles. We will use our best efforts to find and provide any title requested by your library.Serials management can be time consuming and difficult under the best of circumstances.The past two years have been extremely challenging times for all libraries as we dealt with the global pandemic. Now, more than ever, it is important to choose an experienced and professional vendor to help your library navigate serials management. We assign an experienced customer service representative to assist with selection, ordering, claiming and other matters related to serials management. In addition, we provide our customers with access to CoxNet, our online ordering, claiming and invoicing system.WT Cox remains dedicated to providing the exceptional customer service our customers expect, and we appreciate the loyalty of our many long term customers. I invite you to reach out to our team to discuss your serials management needs and allow us to become your trusted partner. Best wishes for a safe and healthy 2022 to you, your family, and your library. Michael T. CoxPresident/C.E.O.WT Cox Information ServicesExperience ChoiceWhere extraordinary service happens.3"