For more than 45 years WT Cox has been a trusted provider of information services to libraries nationwide. WT Cox provides customers with cost-effective subscription services as well as a full suite of product offerings. Learn more about our personalized approach to customer service and the many benefits we can provide to your library.
Subscription Services
Electronic & Print Subscriptions - WT Cox offers no hassle service proposals, cost-effective service, access to over 300,000 electronic and print titles, simple claiming and invoicing through CoxNet, our exclusive account management system and more.
Community Colleges - 5% discount to 2% service charge
Private Academic - 2% discount to 2% service charge
State University Libraries - 2% discount to 2% service charge
Public Libraries - 4-15% discount
Special Libraries - 2% discount to 3% service charge
Offer above is the discount or service charge range that members will receive based on the mix and volume of the serials list. For maximum discount please provide your list in its entirety.
Featured Products
Magzter - WT Cox offers libraries a digital newstand inside and outside of your libraries walls. This is the perfect addition to your collection! Discover this robust and user-friendly platform built specifically for your students and faculty. Magzter is built for libraries and provides thousands of magazines and newspapers with diverse content across 40+ topic categories and inover 30 languages.
Custom pricing for Magzter is library specific and available to members upon request.
eStats - eStats securely tracks a library's e-resource usage statistics, saving customers time and enabling libraries to make informed purchasing decisions.
Custom pricing for eStats is library specific and available to members upon request.
Journal Finder® - Our complete A-Z List, Link Resolver and ERM solution in one. Provide library users easy access to your electronic content with a clean, user friendly interface. Created by librarians...for library patrons! Journal Finder was developed by the staff at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro in 2000 and was the first OpenURL Link Resolver to go into production in the United States.
A 10% discount is available for customers that utilize both WT Cox subscription services and Journal Finder.
For a quote contact Mike Perrine at (800) 571-9554 x259.
*Offers expire December 31, 2022.