WT Cox now offers libraries a digital newstand inside and outside of your libraries walls. This is the perfect addition to your collection!
Discover this robust and user-friendly platform built specifically for your students and faculty.
Magzter is built for public libraries and provides thousands of magazines and newspapers with diverse content across 40+ topic categories and inover 30 languages.
Allow your patrons to check out and read all of their favorite domestic and international magazines in digital format month after month. This platform is user-friendly and provides access to titles via the Magzter apps (Apple iOS, Android) or a web browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, etc).
Libraries now have a cost-effective alternative to buy digital subscriptions, access user analytics and provide content to remote learners outside of the library. With flexible set-up options, easy end-user apps and administration tools, the Magzter platform is seamless for librarians.
- UNLIMITED SIMULTANEOUS USERS - Patrons can check out titles that your library subscribes to month-after-month.
- SMART READING ZONE - You can convert your library into a Smart Reading Zone and offer unlimited access to thousands of magazines inside your library.
- USER-FRIENDLY PLATFORM - Easy management of users and titles for the library and simple app design for readers.
- TITLE CHOICES - Thousands of popular US and International titles are available.
- USAGE DETAILS - View usage reports to assist in the ability to quantify your digital collection purchases.
To request a free trial and pricing simply complete the form on this page. Or to book a one-on-one demo for your library email sales@wtcox.com to get started.