WT Cox Information Services Announces Exclusive Rights To Worldcrunch Sales to Academic Libraries in the United States
Shallotte, NC- May 29, 2014 - WT Cox Information Services announces exclusive rights to Worldcrunch sales to academic libraries in the United States.
Academic libraries can subscribe to Worldcrunch and deliver high-quality English language translations of foreign language news articles to their users. Worldcrunch is unique in that the service provides news stories from sources around the world, not the typical US viewpoint of foreign news - finally a truly global perspective on the world.
Worldcrunch staff from around the globe react quickly to provide relevant stories on current events with original commentary and analysis from the international media. Articles are written by authoritative national news outlets and then edited and translated into English by Worldcrunch's global team of multi-lingual journalists. Translation partners include Le Monde (France), Folha de Sao Paolo (Brazil), Caixin (China), Kommersant (Russia), and over 20 more leading media outlets.
"Worldcrunch works directly with the top news outlets in foreign countries to make a whole range of international journalism accessible in English for the first time," said Garrett Goodman, head of partnerships for Worldcrunch. "We all know there is a hunger out there to know more about the world from the actual places where events are happening. University libraries seem a great opportunity to reach just the kind of people who would be interested in what we are doing."
"While most may read or watch the news to stay current on events impacting the world, we do not consider that these stories are written from a US perspective. With Worldcrunch our libraries can provide a more in-depth view of current events as written by foreign sources. This local, insider's assessment is important to understand. Provide your readers additional insight and a profound understanding of each story and the effects that they may have on foreign countries. We are proud to provide this new service to our customers", said Michael Markwith, vice president of sales and marketing, WT Cox Information Services.
Academic libraries can request a demo and free trial of Worldcrunch by visiting www.wtcox.com/worldcrunch.cfm.
About WT Cox Information Services
Founded in 1974, WT Cox is a full-service serials and information services provider, serving academic, corporate, special, government, school and public libraries nationwide. WT Cox offers a portfolio of services that include electronic and print subscription access, eBooks, an ERM solution, discovery tool, online serials management tools, personalized services, transitions coordinators and free service proposals. http://www.wtcox.com
About Worldcrunch
Worldcrunch is Paris-based English language news website that delivers top stories from leading international media sources, expertly translated into English for the first time. It was launched in 2011 and was founded by Jeff Israely, former Europe bureau chief for Time Magazine, and Irène Toporkoff, former CEO of Ask.com France and Angie Interactive.The Magzter app is available on Apple iOS, Android (Google Play), Windows 8, the Web, Amazon App Store and Kindle Fire and is expanding to more platforms soon. Users can buy their magazines on any of the above devices/platforms and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices, a feature unique to Magzter.