WT Cox is a trusted provider of subscription management services to libraries nationwide. In addition to these primary services, WT Cox also offers a line of integrated solutions and featured products.
Digital Magazines in Your Library
Magzter - built for Public libraries large and small. Offer over 7,000 titles to your patrons. Includes popular domestic and international titles and ever growing. Request your free two week trial.
Edzter - for Schools K-12 and Academic institutions. Collections range from Elementary, Middle School and High School up to the full 7,000+ title collection for Academic libraries. Trial this user friendly solution in your library.
Integrated Services and eResource Tools
A-Z List, Link Resolver & ERM
Journal Finder - Our complete A-Z List, Link Resolver and ERM solution in one. Provide library users easy access to your electronic content with a clean, user friendly interface. Created by librarians...for library patrons! Journal Finder was developed by the staff at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro in 2000 and was the first OpenURL Link Resolver to go into production in the United States.
Statistic & Analytical Tool
eStats provides libraries the ability to collect, manage and analyze e-resource
statistics. eStats securely tracks a library's usage statistics and offers the ability to
quantify content purchases, saving customers time and enabling them to make
informed purchasing decisions. Request a demo and pricing information today!
Document Delivery Service
Reprints Desk - Document Delivery services are available through WT Cox. Set up your DocDel account now to save your budget and then order later as needed. Scientific, technical, and medical content from print and electronic sources available with no content delivery restrictions, fast delivery of high-quality PDF files, all copyright compliant and no hidden royalty fees. Articles are delivered within 3 hours (typically just minutes).
Featured Products
Find My Past - Provide your patrons access to Find My Past, the partner of choice for libraries and institutions. Users can access an ever-expanding collection of over 2 billion historical records from around the world, census records from 1790 on and more. Request your free trial and pricing here.
ACM - Association for Computer Machinery For more than 60 years, the best and brightest minds in computing have come to ACM to meet, share ideas, publish their work and change the world. ACM's publications are among the most respected and highly cited in the field because of their longstanding focus on quality and their ability to attract pioneering thought leaders from both academia and industry.
For pricing and demo information please contact your WT Cox Regional Sales Director via the WT Cox Contact page.